It’s about Relationship not Religion.
Real Church
Promise Land's Real Church is a non-denominational fellowship ministering to our community by reaching the lost for Christ, meeting the needs of our community and impacting our world with love, truth and grace. Join us on Sundays at 10:30 and Wednesdays at 7pm for Worship Services. We are a come as you are fellowship. There are no perfect people allowed we are just real people serving the very real God and being a real Church together. 
Faith-Based Addiction Treatment
Promise Land offers a 32-week residential substance abuse recovery ministry to men in need. Those in the treatment ministry will work through the 12-steps, study the Bible, learn to develop a personal relationship with the Lord, participate in group and individual meetings, as well as volunteer in the community serving others.  We encourage you to take some time to watch the testimonies of those who have completed Promise Land's substance abuse recovery ministry. Click the Apply Today button bellow if your ready to break the chains of baondage, find your freedom and sever the hold that addiction has had on you. God has a purpose and a plan for you that, a plan to prosper you and not to harm you (Jeremiah 29:11).

Donation-Based Lawn & Handyman Services

Promise Land offers a full service lawn and handyman service. Our community services are provided to individuals based on what they can afford to donate. If you, or you know of someone in need let us know. We are here to serve.  

Thrift Store

Promise Land's Thrift Store provides free and low-cost everyday items to our community. Merchandise changes daily and many unique and antique items arrive daily. Visit us at 3299 Crawfordville Hwy, 32327.

Food Bank

Helping our community with needed food supplies. Our food bank is open the first Wednesday of every month from 1-3pm. 20 Church Rd, Crawfordville, FL 32327.